- social media platforms reach huge audiences:
- Cross media representation builds a fan basis for characters and their actor counter parts:
(Though none of my case study films had spin off series of cross overs ,all of them had the commonality of interviews with the star actors and cast which attracted interest as people heard the processes of the film. whether to learn for personal use or for entertainment as people gained interest in the actors personal lives.)
- Advertisements through physical media can be vital to capturing attention:
(Every movie on my case study advertised using some for of physical media, everything from flairs to busses printed with huge advertisement. the high budget movies like "The Intern" could afford billboards gaining wider public awareness, in comparison the limited budget from the first launch of the indie film "Before I Wake" which had a limited budget meaning advertisement was limited severely to posters and filers . )
- Trailers on sites like YouTube and at the cinema creates anticipation for a film:
(Arguably the best way to gain a following and build interest on a protect, trailers attract attention as they give your audience a look into the film. Every movie now days utilise trailers to build characters public image and showcase the scenery/effects in the film.)
2. Concepts:
Disney is one of the biggest production companies on earth and with that there are many advantages. The huge funds Disney has allows them to make huge investments and deals that would not otherwise be able by smaller companies. Disney has utilised both horizontal and vertical integration. Horizontal integration is when a businessMerges or takes over another business that is of a similar size to them and example of where Disney has done this is fox entertainment. Originally a few years ago Fox and Disney were both part of the big six a major group ofEntertainment providers that dominated the Hollywood filmmaking industry. Disney has also made use ofVertical integration through buying out companies small than itself such as Lucas entertainment producer of the Star Wars series Pixar studios and many smaller production companies ranging from all parts of production from filming to advertising to sales.Disney has Disney has utilised cross media convergence by taking advantage of its purchase of smaller companies allow it to utilise a wide range of tools and specialisations developed prior to the takeover of those companies.Disney also utilises synergy through places like Disneyland merchandise like toys and clothes to broaden the range of the audience and build a brand as a household them since Disney has a range ofAnd TV shows you provide attainment for all ages. This means there is a range of possibilities such as partnering with musicArtists and literary partners.
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